Get Involved

Get Involved with Us

Don’t just be a member—experience everything the Georgian Court University Alumni Association has to offer! From coordinating events to volunteering with us, there are many ways to participate in our organization.

  • Reunion Class Agent: The Reunion Committee works with the Office of Alumni Relations in planning and implementing the activities of Reunion and Homecoming Weekend. In addition, the Reunion Committee works with Class Agents to encourage attendance and donations for this annual event.
  • Social Media Ambassador: Become a social media ambassador. Do you regularly use Facebook and/or Instagram? Do you use either Twitter or LinkedIn? Help us spread the word about the activities of the Alumni Association and the Office of Alumni Relations, the achievements of your fellow alumni and the University, and support our mission.
  • Stewardship Committee: The Stewardship Committee of the Alumni Association works with the Office of Alumni Relations in a variety of activities that promote positive relations with our alumni as well as supporting the Strategic Compass of the University. Activities include participating in activities that promote donations of time, talent and resources to the University.

Contact us today at or call 732-987-2454 to find out how you can put your strengths to use as a part of our team!

Alumni Events


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